Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120007
120007 - Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Through Interconnected Microchannel Heat Sink
Nowadays electronic devices are becoming more powerful and compact which produces huge heat flux and are expecting average heat flux of 1000 W/cm2 in future. Therefore, faster and efficient heat removal is necessary to ensure reliability and prevent damage due to thermal degradation. In the modern era, efficient heat removal is becoming a challenging issue for the continuous shrinkage of microelectronic devices. The microchannel heat sink (MCHS) gets more attraction among numerous cooling techniques due to the high surface area to volume ratio and design compactness. MCHS shows the high heat removal capacity from compact microelectronic devices such as microprocessors, radio frequency (RF) system, high power light-emitting diode. There are different approaches available in the literature to enhance the heat removal capacity of MCHS, for example, geometrical modification, synthetic jet, the orientation of solid-liquid interface geometry, and changing the thermophysical properties of working fluids. On the other hand, heat transfer by two-phase boiling removes more heat than the single-phase heat transfer because it utilizes the latent heat of vaporization, and that's why boiling is a viable cooling solution for extremely small dimensions. Boiling starts with the single-phase heat transfer, followed by nucleate boiling, transition boiling, and film boiling.
The paper presents the experimental investigation of flow boiling heat transfer through interconnected microchannel heat sink. The experimental framework consists of a flow loop, a test section, a power supply system, and a data acquisition system. A gear pump was used to supply a constant flow rate through the flow loop from the reservoir. Afterward, the coolant was passed through 40μm filter followed by a degasifier to remove all dissolved gases. A chiller was used to maintain the coolant inlet temperature. A wye-connector was used to divide the main flow stream into separate streams for inlets of the MCHS. A precision flow adjustment valve and a digital flow meter were mounted before the inlets to ensure the same flow rate through the channels. K-type thermocouple will be placed in each inlet and outlet manifold to measure the inlet and outlet temperature of the coolant. There were four thermocouples along the test channel to measure the surface temperature. Pressure difference was measured using pressure transducer. The experimental results show that the maximum critical heat flux (CHF) is 352 W/cm2 as a mass flux of 553 kg/m2.s for the interconnected MCHS and maximum pressure drop is 13.34 kPa at mass flux of 332 kg/m2.s. The future work involves optimizing the interconnectors design in MCHS.
Presenting Author: Titan Paul University of South Carolina Aiken
Presenting Author Biography: Presenter is an Associate Professor of Engineering at University of South Carolina Aiken.
Titan Paul University of South Carolina AikenAmitav Tikadar Georgia Institute of Technology
Jamil Khan University of South Carolina
Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Through Interconnected Microchannel Heat Sink
Paper Type
Poster Presentation