Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120306
120306 - Decisive Utilization of the Hr to Augment the Capabilities: Proposition for the Socio-Cultural Improvement
The manual methods can provide a customized solution to a specific situation that is different from the regular requirements. Also, it is viable to use an appropriate implement to augment the human mechanism and to perform the industrial work at an affordable cost. Such an alternative has the advantage of conserving the resource, solving socio-cultural situation, and giving sufficient physical workout. Such a solution provides the option to make use of the regenerated power at a specific time in order to meet the requirements of work. Customization of such a need based assistive contributes to the capability to withstand the transformative developments that are phenomenal. The ecologically safe capability will suffice the capabilities of the human resources by affording the manufactured mechanisms. Further, customizing of such a multi-purpose vehicle also provides a means of complementing the capabilities of the aged population. The work presents the applications and quantification requirements. The quantification includes the application, place of operation, constraints of extents, geographic considerations, packing, portability, and liaising with the sources of operation for the regenerative cause. Such applications include the instance of compensatory technique to overcome the transient requirement. The customized requirements of such an implement would be addressed by the perceptive functions like vision. Judicious schedule can ascertain the norms like precision, effective engagement of the human resource, productivity, and ecology. The temperature and pressure fluctuation causes the flaws of certain configuration to repair itself. The in-situ alteration of the geometric properties enables such a repair. Advances in the measurements enable such processes. Adding the constituents that activate in the presence of the specific conditions further enables the process. The functional suitability of the components formulated by the ecological constituents involves the configuration that is mostly not covered by the generalized concepts. The repair includes the formation of a layer, fixing a discontinuity, formation of voluminous network, applied stress, etc. The approach utilizes resource conservation mechanisms. Therefore the product life cycle involves the application specific customization of the manufacturing system as well as the subsequent change that challenges the endeavor. The techniques that consider the evaluation of such configuration need substantial customization to the specific application to account for the situation and it is applicable to the discussion presented in this study. The interfacial ability with the biological configuration and work configuration requires validation by the tests. The absence of the standards for specific conditions further increases the effort to evolve the specifications for the tests. The tests made with the measurements of load, displacement, and biologically safe parameters ensure the susceptibility, biocompatibility, and bio-functionality.
Presenting Author: Nareah Hazari VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: VNRVJIET
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNR VJIETNareah Hazari VNRVJIET
Decisive Utilization of the Hr to Augment the Capabilities: Proposition for the Socio-Cultural Improvement
Paper Type
Poster Presentation