Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120309
120309 - Material Methods for the Biologically and Environmentally Worthy Applications: Resource Management and Strategic Methods
Vehicles that involve the constituents of application specific and worthy content may be explored as part of the materials with high strength to volume ratio required for the applications that involve the novel conditions, and also applications like the production of power in order to save the energy and protect the resources. Assuring the strength, during the fabrication and in-service conditions of such a material involves the use of novel offsite and on-site methods at multiple scales. Due to the ambient, uneven loads, and complex nature of the operating conditions, unexpected pressures act at random directions and magnitudes against such fabrication as compared to the regular and environmental constructions. Use of the integral materials that can withstand multi-directional loads, and additional environmental coatings like the refractory materials may serve the purpose. Presence of such material ingredients in the fabrication materials may improve the resistance to chemical and other attacks that may occur due to the prevailing nature. Furthermore, the properties of fabrication materials that can controllably coalesce and strengthen the fabrication against the action of loads, like that of the special refractory materials may help. Suitable materials possessing the sufficient strength may help in transforming the multilevel ambience into power at the competent costs and proper formulation enables such equipment. Use of a material that helps in the improvement of the toughness and also improves the permeability restraint can develop the resistance to hydraulic and environmental loads. The aforesaid functional requirement of materials intended for the fabrication of hydraulic arrangement in general may be effectively monitored with the help of the proposed test methods. The study includes the narration of test methods to test the fabrication materials used for extreme conditions. The study also validates the development of test specimens for testing the deep water materials. The study includes attaining at a saturation point of water absorption and the length of time for a given specimen configuration. Furthermore, the study includes the criteria for developing the best configuration for deep water construction and different kinds of water, geography, climatic conditions, and the action of hydraulic loads. The study includes a discussion of the environmental aspects of construction materials. Minimum invasive, non-invasive, and fracture mechanics based test methods that take into account the realistic failure patterns may help in the continuous evaluation of special structures and this article discusses such methods in terms of properties like stress intensity factor, energy release rate, and CTOD. Configuration of a customized testing device that utilizes precise and practical wavelengths helps in a minimum and non-destructive assessment and evaluation as well as provides a viable approach.
Presenting Author: Venu Yarlagadda VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: VNRVJIET
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNR VJIETVenu Yarlagadda VNRVJIET
Material Methods for the Biologically and Environmentally Worthy Applications: Resource Management and Strategic Methods
Paper Type
Poster Presentation