Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 112247
112247 - Wed-Machining With Molybdenum Wire of Inconel 718 Alloy Using Different Dielectric Fluids
The Inconel 718 alloy, a Ni-Cr-based alloy most used due to its combination of good mechanical properties and low cost compared to other nickel-based superalloys, has high mechanical performance compared to special steels in many varied applications in the mechanical precision industry. Initially, this alloy was extensively used in the aerospace industry only. It is characterized by offering excellent resistance to corrosion and the possibility to operate at very high temperatures. This superalloy commonly holds a chemical composition combined with a hardening treatment, resulting in a microstructure with low thermal conductivity, high corrosion resistance, and high mechanical resistance. However, even considering that several studies in this area were carried out on the performance of conventional machining, its properties offer numerous difficulties for geometrically defined cutting tools during machining, such as turning, milling, grinding and drilling. The workpiece material removal can be enhanced by machining through the thermal effect from successive electrical discharges without tribological mechanisms. The thermal effect produced by the plasma channel in WED-Machining, fed by controlled electrical discharges, performs the machining. It starts with the ignition phase, following the formation of the plasma channel between the wire-electrode and workpiece; the melting and evaporation of the material of both electrodes, ending with the ejection of molten liquid material (wire-electrode and workpiece) until the complete component machining geometry is carried out. In the literature, there are scarce technological studies regarding the removal process by WED-Machining using molybdenum (Mo) wire in Inconel 718 and its performance in different dielectric fluids (hydrocarbon and deionized water). Thus, the thermal removal does not promote tribological mechanisms or mechanical deformations, such as those in conventional machining, due to the tool’s interaction contributing to manufacture with less difficulty, mainly for those applications at complex geometry components, micro-machining, and non-serial prototypes production when hard materials are processed. Also, it is remarkable that the non-electrical parameters, such as the different dielectric fluids, wire tensioning, wire run-off speed and tool-wire material, are not much published. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of the variation of discharge energy (mJ) in deionized water and hydrocarbon as dielectric fluids. Five discharge duration and the interval between pulses were used for the two dielectrics, keeping the other generator variables constant. The results of experiments showed that the increase in the discharge energy contributes to a higher rate of workpiece material removal. The hydrocarbon dielectric fluid was responsible for the highest material removal rate and advanced speed. The surface texture reduced roughness with the lowest energy density and better hydrocarbon stability to deionized water.
Presenting Author: Giovani Conrado Carlini Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)
Presenting Author Biography: CARLINI, Giovani is Ph.D. candidate on Electrical Discharge Machining.
Fred Amorim Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana - PUCPRGiovani Conrado Carlini Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)
Wed-Machining With Molybdenum Wire of Inconel 718 Alloy Using Different Dielectric Fluids
Paper Type
Poster Presentation