Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 113420
113420 - Multiscale Operational Methodology: An Overview
There is historical perspective to use the representative material behavior for predicting the parameters of manufacturing operations. It is customary to represent the material behavior in terms of the stress strain characteristics. It has been well established that a methodology that uses minimum experimental data, numerical simulation that represents the working conditions, suitable test, and representative material models predicts the stress strain characteristics in the ideal working range as well as the failure regime in order to mitigate the probable catastrophic failure, during the life cycle. Every assumption that is supposed to apply the characteristic representation of the functionality in the quantification is bound to the geometric details and the included motion. Also it has been the prevailing understanding about the gravity dependence for the acceptable functionality of the test method. The functional materials that are supposed to exhibit the characteristics of resistance to the motion of sub-atomic particles may be treated as inhomogeneous materials at specific scales and the in-situ properties constitute the evaluation that ensures the destined performance. There exists methodology that addresses the testing requirements of such materials. In the wake of such developments, the methods to transport the energy to a destined location appear to liaise with the life influencing concept material. The capability of the life materials to absorb, retain, and dispose the energy in turn indicates the variants that preserve, protect, and transform. Such resources enable the preparedness to withstand or control the phenomena to minimize the loss or harvest the needful resources like transformation mechanisms. Use of markers enable an informative approach and ensures the consistent supply. The geometry, composition, distributive, scientific, and biomechanical parameters of the constituents influence the quantification criteria. The mechanism of the reception influences the life, intensity and scale of remodeling, replacement function, and transition. The material handling at ultra-scales and lower scales influences the in-situ operations. An in-situ approach to treat the effectiveness of natural, biomaterial, and biological systems, with multi-scale structures and arrangement that restores the health is methodically feasible, in the presence of the recent technical advancements in the biomedical, biological, and exploration engineering. Such an operation utilizes the subtle and decisive use of one or more of minimum invasive, visionary, surveillance, natural or biological markers, and securely intelligent systems to carry out the transient operation with the minimal induction of materials at the required scales. The application of such an approach can be customized to restore the natural mechanisms, to predict and mitigate the natural calamities, and perform an informative spatial operation.
Presenting Author: Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: The presenting author is a Professor, ME, VNRVJIET, Hyderabad, India.
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNRVJIETMultiscale Operational Methodology: An Overview
Paper Type
Poster Presentation