Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120162
120162 - Evaluation Methodology for the Modern-Manufacturing Challenges of Multiple Needs: A Dynamic Multi-Scale Characterization Approach
The conventional procedures for assuring the quality involve the use of standard specimens and may considerably require the suitable alterations as suggested by the standards specific to the materials and systems. Modern manufacturing requirements prompt for the evolution of customized evaluation strategies specific to the material and the application. One of the primary requirements while evaluating the fracture toughness is the specimen size. Heterogeneity, discontinuity, inclusion, and other anomalies specific to the material component being manufactured possibly influence the procedures that evaluate the specimen size. The article indicates such anomalies specific to manufacturing processes. Optimal machining requires the evolution of process parameters at the instant of time. Onsite minimum destructive and non-destructive methods give an opportunity to serve the purpose. Procedures for the hierarchical evaluation of material properties including fracture toughness during the process may regulate the parameters dynamically and further indicate such requirements to the machinist. The article also discusses the equipment requirements for facilitating such evaluation technique. The manufacturing concerns specific to the machining of precise components at the desired speed that takes dynamic evaluation of materials into consideration, indicates the suitable modifications. The article discusses the geometric tolerances specific to the precise components and the feasibility of meeting such requirements. The article discusses the gripping requirements and the customized alternatives. The concerns specific to the dynamic operation of the grip and the distribution of mechanical parameters during the function provides a feasible way of minimizing the errors. The study also discusses the load distribution and temperature dissipation requirements in the manufacturing endeavour. The article discusses the methods to avoid the stress concentration and pre strain. The various methods to minimize the manufacturing anomalies and the technical and economic aspects involved in the implementation give an estimate of the effort and time. The study suggested the need to use an integrated software and physical simulator to dynamically determine the process parameters and suggested the modification to the bulk manufacturing equipment. The various manufacturing processes apply different kinds of loads on the material being manufactured. The automatic control of the process parameters and the mechanical stress in lieu of excessive temperature stress appears to mitigate the manufacturing anomalies. Discussion on the anomaly of materials and the effect on the precision in conjunction with the effectiveness of onsite evaluation techniques conclude the study. An evaluation methodology that includes the minimum deductive and non-destructive approaches appear as the means to evaluate he modern manufacturing processes.
Presenting Author: Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: Professor at VNRVJIET
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNRVJIETEvaluation Methodology for the Modern-Manufacturing Challenges of Multiple Needs: A Dynamic Multi-Scale Characterization Approach
Paper Type
Poster Presentation