Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120186
120186 - A Construct for the Inter-Scientific Application and the Bioengineering-Structures: A Facilitating Means to Explore
A customized structure to hold the dynamic scientific data and minimize the memory search requirements has significance in the wake of the evolution of the developments that expand the extents of computational mechanics to reach the diversified applications in science, technology, and engineering, like the diagnosis and forecast. One of such applications is the monitoring of biological ingrowth phenomena in a regulated and conditioned space where the cell birth, proliferation, and the quality of the destined functional capability, are some of the criteria parameters to evaluate the progress and diagnose the interventional requirements of an engineering process. Some of the requirements of such an application is to monitor the biological components like phosphates that supposedly regulate the excretion, tissue dynamics, and the functional capability of the tendons, subsequent to trauma, sports rehabilitation, or therapeutic treatment. Such requirements include the evaluation of the volume and the weight fraction of the constituents at the ultra-scales, in order to ensure the efficiency of the biological growth process, as part of the treatment process. The multidimensional characteristics like the dynamical transformation of the living beings, the commensurate imagination of the human resources, and the memory retrieval and visualization gave rise to the structure that is capable of retaining the transformational mechanisms. Such a structure accommodates the characteristics of the concept material that supposedly impel the biological functions and also the ways and means of monitoring the presence of the effectiveness of such a material. The arithmetic operations on such a structure give the information on the regulatory processes versus implementation achievement on a representative scale. Such a feature gives the functionality of programming a system to synthesize in accordance with the specifications at the molecular level, while making a compound ultrastructure. Such a tool provides a basis to synthesize and organize the entities in the designated volume of the making structure, in order to enable the synthesis of the material component. Such an endeavour conceptually enables the synthesis of the biological substance. The methodical operations on the structure enable the programming of the system. The possible operations that can be performed on the structure of the discussion define the scope of the system that is facilitated with the structure. Such a methodical tool helps in instrumenting a system that can be configured to provide information on the diagnosis, monitoring an operation, guided exploration, etc., by facilitating the comprehensiveness of the data, analytics, and informed action
Presenting Author: Tejaswi Chilukuri VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: Student
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNR VJIETTejaswi Chilukuri VNRVJIET
A Construct for the Inter-Scientific Application and the Bioengineering-Structures: A Facilitating Means to Explore
Paper Type
Poster Presentation