Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120199
120199 - Monitoring of Schedule Sensitive Industrial, Expedition, and Exploratory Systems: Perceptive Analysis, Evaluation, and Validation
Minimizing the downtime in a business enterprise is one of the primary concerns to maximize the technical and economical sufficiency that is very much essential to prove the purposeful existence. Maintenance of the serviceable components, life time of the onetime use components, the supply of the raw material, the maintenance of the production line systems, etc. contribute to the minimization of the downtime. The technical enhancements in the internet and the intranet connectivity with the data security give an opportunity to integrate the sections of the enterprise so that the monitoring of the systems including the engineering components can be enabled. The network of the sensors integrates to identify and analyse the measurements like image, acoustics, odour, etc, to diagnose the condition. The work evolves at a working procedure to identify the probable maintenance activity. Such a system uses intelligence to utilize the resources to inspect the site using a minimum destructive or non-destructive test. The work evolves at a hierarchical procedure to decide on the maintenance activity. The work also evolves at a procedure to customize the solution in conformity with the precision, complexity, marketability, geography, extents of the business, resource constraints, and the other requirements of an enterprise, by the evaluation intelligence over the inclusive domain. Furthermore, the work uses a hierarchical approach to evolve at the extrapolation within the valid limits, generates intelligence on the application specific extents, the quality of the raw material, and the validity of the result. The system utilizes the inspection facility in-built in the facility by liaising with the resources and by the minimum intervention, to carry out the operation. The procedure also applies to the material handling augments that consists of the bearings of the very high ratio of load carrying capacity to the size. The system evolves at the configuration of the machining process by using the intelligence to predict the process parameters. The system uses a hierarchical method of evaluating the material properties at multi scales, by utilizing destructive, minimum destructive, or non-destructive tests iteratively. Such a test offers an additional option of recognizing the constituents, by the minimum configuration of the identification of the data acquisition and the metrics. Including such an option in the automated industry involves the sensing and reporting of the metrics of certain specification like the frequency range. A machining facility that contains machining centres rum by the minimum of on the site resources uses the portable facility.
Presenting Author: Tapaswi Velamati VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: Student
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNR VJIETTapaswi Velamati VNRVJIET
Monitoring of Schedule Sensitive Industrial, Expedition, and Exploratory Systems: Perceptive Analysis, Evaluation, and Validation
Paper Type
Poster Presentation