Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120250
120250 - Measures for Achieving Ecological Balance in the Challenging Conditions: An Approach of Resource Conservation
A perception about the resources is necessary and the understanding regarding the conservation of resources appears essential. Such a perception is necessary for the conservation of the globe. Harvesting of various sources of energy like sun light, tides, rivers, wind, and other renewable energy resources in a planned, efficient, and effective manner appears to offer solution to the pollution and other problems affecting the ecological balance. In addition, establishment of sub-divisional level organization of graded waste, establishment of disposal collection systems, and implementable recycling systems would drastically reduce the pollution. Furthermore, a global program on educating the high school, under graduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students by the award of credits to the curricular and practical courses, continuing education to the employees, formation of volunteering organizations to work on the weekends in alignment with the global programs appear to bring realization among the stake holders. Such programs supposedly provide effective solution to purify the chemical and pharmaceutical wastes and also improve the affordability of such activities by the industry. Effective programs on the affordable purification of air, water, liquids, land, and solids will certainly help the industry to conform to the standards. It takes tens of thousands of years to form the oil mines, metal mines etc. It only takes 25 to 50 years of time for the biological structures to give out furniture and the time frame is much less when compared to that of the formation of metal ores. Therefore agricultural harvesting for the infrastructural purpose may be encouraged along with the improvement of recycling methods of wood and metal that consume power conservatively. Conservation of the quality of top soil which is a cultivable and arable portion consisting of approximately the top two foot layer of the soil and preventing the erosion due to the excessive use, especially for the seasonal and regrown crops like rice and pulses, appear feasible. It appears imperative to come up with a biological structure like crops for the production of such grains and it is good if such trees initially give out crop within 6-18 months of time and large sized grains like the size of an apple would help in easy, maintainable, and affordable harvesting. Organic farming that preserves the soil and contributes to the dairy farming and growth of environmental friendly trees like neem may be encouraged. Examining the scientific and engineering aspects of biological and chemical constitution of cow-urine may shed light on the multiple avenues for facilitating the healthy transformation of life
Presenting Author: Siva Kalyani Koneti VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: VNRVJIET
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNR VJIETSiva Kalyani Koneti VNRVJIET
Deepthi Jammula VNRVJIET
Measures for Achieving Ecological Balance in the Challenging Conditions: An Approach of Resource Conservation
Paper Type
Poster Presentation