Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120281
120281 - Rural Intervention for the Effective Revival of Socio-Economic Sufficiency: Awareness Specific Adaptability of Technology
The automation of certain economically viable rural practices possibly addressees the shortage in the availability of human resources in the sectors that are not ergonomic. Automation of only those processes that suit the geography possibly addresses the productivity, affordability, demand versus supply, and socioeconomic concerns. Use of the by-products of essential operations in the economically sensible applications addresses the ecological viability as well as the affordability. Improving the employment of skilled human resources not only addresses the productivity concerns, but also the resource conservation, provided the implementation addresses the employability. Capturing the harvest, interventional monitoring of the biomass, measures to improve the soil and underground water resources, need skilled human resources. Mechanizing some of the elements of the rural occupation, with affordability and awareness further improves the productivity as well as the schedule. Improving the mechanisms to capture the power with no repercussions is possible if the affordability concerns be compensated with the supply of material resources. The high tide causes substantial pressure on the lateral support of the water resources, with respect to water flow, and constructing a mechanism that absorbs the thrust provides a method of capturing the energy. In the initiatives that have safety, security, or other concern due to lack of surveillance, appointing the suitable personnel with the funds provided by the beneficiaries could result in the consistent employment. The rural regions contain larger extents that do not disturb the fluid flow. Therefore the designs that address the security of the devices and also the minimum occupancy of the land, could improve the income in the rural economies, without causing obstruction to the production of the rural economy. In a developing nation, the efficient use of the human resources, mechanization and the surveillance system are essential to minimize the unrest and provide a reasonable opportunity for the betterment of life. Camera surveillance system linked to the intranet and in the wake of the mentioned developments and the recruitment process will suffice any imbalance in the system. The government decisions play a crucial role in ensuring the sustenance of the rural economy, which in turn improves the health of the overall economy. The primary reason for the recession and inflation is the improper allocation, income versus spending, habits that lack proper reasoning, insecure feeling in the wake of the restraint for the unwanted, and the absence of the practices that make efficient use of the resources. Use of the geographic specific resources is essential in ensuring the sustenance of the economy.
Presenting Author: Meghana Nidadavolu VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: VNRVJIERT
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNR VJIETMeghana Nidadavolu VNRVJIET
Rural Intervention for the Effective Revival of Socio-Economic Sufficiency: Awareness Specific Adaptability of Technology
Paper Type
Poster Presentation