Session: Research Posters
Paper Number: 120301
120301 - Forethoughts Into the Aging Research That Imparts the Essentials: A Way to Healthy Transformation
It has been the ambition of health science, medicine, surgery, and bioengineering to improve the living conditions, life, and the happiness of life. Life is worth of attention and deserves the attention of the health sciences and allied communities in order to take the measures to improve the health of the human beings so as to establish congenial atmosphere and promote the feeling of inclusiveness. It is quite possible and present within the reach of the community in order to create and promote human infrastructure, network, and an atmosphere required by a healthy society in order to ensure the universal ambience. One of the possible ways is to engineer the living conditions and public health with the appropriate methods by a unified approach of the diversified specialists. Age old problems like the snake bite and food poisoning mostly happen due to the ferocious attacks and as of today no immediately effective remedy exists. Development of resistance to such things by vaccines given in the due course appears to be one of the possible methods. A vaccine that develops the human ability to immediately purify the blood and send the poisonous material to the urinary system, without sending to the heart and other organs can be a possible method. Enhancing the life time of the body parts by the continuous methods may avoid symptoms like the loosening of the muscles, tension, and retention of the nervous system, loosening of the skin, dental abnormalities, orthopaedic problems, and structural deviation of the human beings. A conservative approach that rationally helps the human beings to realize the merits of each system in the broader sense will certainly result in the alleviation of social injustice and unethical nature. Accidental or grievous injury and consequences of the calamities, require the modern intervention of health sciences to develop the antigens, agents, etc. to instantly sterilize and heal the separation. Survival of the human beings by an integrated and self-efforts and approaches help to rationalize various adverse situations at the individual and massive level whereas the health, life sciences, and medicine have influential contribution in engineering the world. Such a global approach helps in channelizing the global thought process necessary in transforming the universal life. To engineer the comprehensive health of the participating humans by a set of vaccines appear to cope up with the long lasting requirements in order to ensure the public health and global mobilization in the development process ensures the necessary global awareness and compatible planning and thinking.
Presenting Author: Ramu Rathlavath VNRVJIET
Presenting Author Biography: VNRVJIET
Satya Prasad Paruchuru VNR VJIETRamu Rathlavath VNRVJIET
Forethoughts Into the Aging Research That Imparts the Essentials: A Way to Healthy Transformation
Paper Type
Poster Presentation