Session: 17-01-01: Research Posters
Paper Number: 144120
144120 - The Acorn Model in an Online Environment
Peter Hawkins of University of Liverpool and co-author Jonathan Winter are of the opinion that applying the principles of ACORN model in the classroom is highly beneficial to student learning and their intellectual development. The author has previously worked in this area and has published and presented his findings in an ASEE Conference. Furthermore, he now extended and experimented on this very same idea while teaching an engineering course in an Online Environment. In this presentation, the author outlines how he has successfully designed, created and implemented Online Instructional and Learning Modules based on the ideas of Hawkins and Winter.
Action: It is possible to effectively change things only when an honest action is taken and an attempt is made to improve quality. Both the Faculty and the students, must join forces and should actually try out to successfully implement new ideas. Appropriate action is always well rewarded.
Communication: Changes are successful only when the new ideas effectively communicated and documented in place. The entire workforce comprising of faculty, staff, students and administration should work toward a common goal. They should have a very structured and clear idea of what their goals and objectives are. Proper briefing at regular intervals help bridge the communication gap not only between the faculty and the students, but also between the students themselves.
Ownership: Support for change is extremely important and is critical. The administration should buy into this concept wholeheartedly. Both the administration and the faculty should accept that changes are essential and that changes are taking place for the betterment of students, management and the university community as a whole. Only strong commitment for accepting and implementing changes demonstrates genuine leadership. Faculty and students must also enjoy the pride of ownership.
Reflection: Feedback from students, industry, faculty and administration helps towards thoughtful evaluation of the changes implemented. Only reflection can provide a tool for continuous improvement. Constant updating should always receive priority billing and the entire university should reflect on its achievements.
Nurture: Implemented changes deliver results only when nurtured and promoted with necessary support systems, documentation and infrastructures. The main responsibility falls upon the shoulders of the administration. Faculty, Staff and students can definitely contribute in this area; however, nurturing requires strong financial and emotional commitment.
Source: Hawkins, P., & Winter, J. (1997). Mastering change: Learning the lessons of the enterprise in higher education initiative. London, United Kingdom: Department for Education and Employment.
Presenting Author Biography: DR. MYSORE NARAYANAN obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Liverpool, England in the area of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He joined Miami University in 1980 and teaches a wide variety of electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering courses. He has been invited to contribute articles to several encyclopedias and has published and presented dozens of papers at local, regional , national and international conferences. He has also designed, developed, organized and chaired several conferences for Miami University and conference sessions for a variety of organizations. He is a senior member of IEEE and is a member of ASME, SIAM, ASEE and AGU. He is actively involved in CELT activities and regularly participates and presents at the Lilly Conference. He has been the recipient of several Faculty Learning Community awards. He is also very active in assessment activities and has presented more than thirty five papers at various Assessment Institutes. His posters in the areas of Assessment, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Socratic Inquisition have received widespread acclaim from several scholars in the area of Cognitive Science and Educational Methodologies. He has received the Assessment of Critical Thinking Award twice and is currently working towards incorporating writing assignments that enhance students’ critical thinking capabilities.
MYSORE NARAYANAN MIAMI UNIVERSITYThe Acorn Model in an Online Environment
Paper Type
Poster Presentation